Today my slave disobeyed me. So I decided to clean her up. I order her to prepare to be my toilet. Lying down and open-mouthed. I leave her for a few minutes like this, as if she didnt exist. Then I get closer, drop my panties, bend over with my ass on her face. Then a little exertion and heres a huge asshole that goes all the way into her mouth. She moans I dont know whether in pleasure or disgust. I dont care. I keep shitting and her face disappears under my shit. I order her to chew it and swallow it . What falls out she will catch with her tongue and teeth and eat it. Then she will lick the floor.
Tag Archives: Mistress Gaia
VIDEO REQUEST Hello toilet, are you ready to perform your shit-eating function? Wait till I clean my boots on the mat and Ill be right with you. Im not using you as a mat because I want you in good shape, Ive got so much today you cant even imagine. I was going for a walk and I came straight home because I run so much. Well the time has come for me to relieve myself and you to eat everything. After shitting you say: what a good feeling now Im definitely better, I dont think you have to finish it all it will be a hard task given the quantity, I always put you to the test, you poor shit. Ill take some pictures right away shit more soles of my boots heaven for you. Now hurry up eat all that my wonderful ass gives you dont let it get cold
CUSTOM REQUEST Hello slave, my friend lent you to me these days telling me to take care of you, she told me you do everything. Now lets see in the facts. I accepted very gladly because I have just the right task for you. You know what? You will be my toilet H24 so whenever I need you I will snap my fingers and you will run to me. I warn you that being my toilet is a really hard task because every morning I shit sometimes even more than once a day and I do a lot of it, I am amazed at myself at how much comes out of my ass, I will overwhelm you I will kill you. You better hope that moment doesnt happen. Well I am ready to baptize you open your mouth I have to shit. After shitting you say, wow how much and think I didnt feel so full today think when Im loaded what Im going to do to you. Now eat it all because it is the only food you will get. Dont make that face were only on the first shit, theres more to come, come on. In the second episode you start by wiping your boots on the doormat and you say, look how good I am Im wiping my feet on the doormat so I dont give you too much pain, also because youre going to get a wave of shit soon. Today I feel charged up, last night I went out to dinner and ate a lot. Now youll notice, Im ready my poop is about to come out I cant stand it anymore After shitting you say: unbelievable how much I did I am choking you, dont die dont die because I still need you for more days. I am so happy with this shit I take a souvenir picture right away. I have to go out to dinner more often, youre paying for it anyway, to give you in the morning copious doses of shit. See you tomorrow loo and pray to the lord I dont get away like this again tomorrow. In the third you begin by saying I guess you havent prayed enough, I have plenty today too, dont cry dont pity me, I dont have any feelings about you, youre a crapper and as such you must get shit. Im ready see my tummy how swollen it is, now I get rid of this burden. After shitting you say: even today large quantities I think you stimulate me a lot. Lets take a nice little picture of creation Im such an artist. The fourth one you choose. Go ahead and make any changes you see fit
VIDEO RICHIESTACiao cesso, sei felice di vedermi? Hai già capito perché sono qua, devo fare la cacca. Povero cesso, tutti i giorni non ti risparmio, faccio sempre grandi quantità di merda, non so cosa dire, mi stupisco di quanta ne riesco a produrre. Bene sono prontissima, il mio culetto tra poco ti donerà lennesima merda giornaliera. Che fai? Piangi,tremi, non mi importa nulla di te mi interessa solo il mio benessere che adesso è quello di svuotarmi completamente. Apri la bocca e stai zitto che cago. Ti ricopro totalmente di merda, ti soffoco. Dopo aver cagato dici: wow ma quanta merda ho fatto, come sempre, adesso la devi finire tutta è questo il tuo destino, mangiare la mia merda sempre. Faccio subito qualche foto. Lo so che è tanta, ma sei un cesso e il cesso non chiede si becca quella che esce. Con me sarai sempre in funzione, tutti i giorni regolarmente arriverò a offrirti la mia pregiata cacca. Bene adesso io esco e tu stai lì in compagnia della mia merda e finiscila tutta. Al mio rientro ti darò una bella ricompensa, leccherai le suole delle mie splendide scarpe
Today my slave will be rewarded with the greatest amount of diarrhea she has ever seen in her life. She will eat it a little at a time because she cannot give up this excellent food. she is very good she can finish almost all of it but with great effort.
My slave will undergo a scat session for the first time today. He kisses my shoes in homage to me. Then my fun begins. First, in front of him I shit on the floor. Then I light a cigarette, and throw the ashes on the poop that he will have to lick, finally I put out the butt in the shit. I ****** him to put his face in the shit and search with tongue for the half-buried butt. He performs. He finds it again and picks up the shit-stained butt with his lips; and then he eats it .
VIDEO REQUESTIm back, a moment I clean my boots on the doormat and Im right with you for a very specific reason I need you. I used you as a doormat because I want you in great shape I have to make you your super nutritious breakfast. From me the only thing you can have is my shit, you wont eat anything else only large quantities of shit. Dont make that face you dont pity me at all for me you are a shit and so you must be filled. Time to poop, I feel the urge I am so full. Now I relax and empty myself completely. After pooping you say: fuck but thats so much I didnt think Id do so much youre super lucky, Im going to feed you real good, other than breakfast theres also lunch and dinner. Im really satisfied I take some pictures, shit more soles of my boots, its heaven for you. Now I feel good, Ive really emptied myself out good. Shitter now you have to eat it all. Each his task I to produce large quantities of shit and you to finish it all. Are you able to understand yesterdays menu? I want you to get used to eating my poop so you can understand what I eat the day before.
CUSTOM REQUESTShitter, are you ready to perform your function? Today is going to be really hard for you Ive eaten so much these weekend and youll soon realize it, Im giving you a huge amount of chocolate produced directly from my ass. Well, I am ready, my body has to expel the waste, I can feel the poop all there that has to come out. The situation for you is definitely getting worse, but this is your life eating shit that I do to you every day. Its time to prepare your gruel. After you poop you say: its so little little( laughing) I think youll stay a whole day to finish it, I want to weigh it to know how much poop I made you and I take some pictures to remind you of the good time. Its so much I warned you I was full. Eat it all this is my gift to you, I offer you every day shit.
My toilet is waiting, I need him urgently. I will not give him a moments respite today. He has to swallow my chocolate and I help him by provoking him with the vibrator, he is so excited that he starts taking my poop and stuffing it all in his mouth to get it down as much as possible. He eats a lot of it and cant resist not cuming.
ENGLISH SPEAKINGCUSTOM REQUEST – I would like you to make a video for me.I want you to tread bread in a lot, a lot, at least 10 loaves, uncut,among them are scattered sliced bread many,What will be the more, the better. I would like you to take the shoes as shown in the pictures in the appendix,without stockings. First shoes number 1 and about halfway through the film shoes number 2. The shoes have dirty soles from outside and properly soils the trampled food. Spit on the food. Could you smoke, ashes knock on food and crush cigarettes on food. Be cheerful. You could hum a cheerful melody,just without words. Dance on the food too. Say youre happy with it and you like it. English. Humiliate the slave to lick and worship your shoes. Show dirty soles often. Make hand movements while doing so and command me to masturbate. Take camera shots to your feet. Replacing boots during filming directly on food. Trample on it all until you completely destroy it all. Then pee on the trampled food and finally shit on the food