Watch me push out painful big turds . I struggle but manage to finish the job . After slaving over this meal I tell you just what is like you to do with it .
Tag Archives: Tasteys Treasures
Savor My Monster turd
Watch me shit out a huge turd in Slow motion. Then listen to my exact orders .. and savor me forever
Another meal
Watch me push out a corn embedded poo. Encouraging you to eat every drop with no choice .
Big poo doggy style
Watch me poo a big one doggy style . Then I show you the beautiful aftermath !
Desperation meal
Watch me desperately need to poo! Then I assure you will finish it all . After i cant wait anymore i take a soft hot poo .
Use your teeth
watch me wink and pucker my asshole . Then shit a nice meal for you to pick up with your teeth ..
Pooing a small Girthy turd
Watch me poo a small Girthy turd, pushing it out straining and pissing down my leg . Short and sweet . Then I wink my asshole and show u the clean pink insides of it .
Just a poo
Just a naughty girl pooing on the floor .. quick dump to satisy my kink for the day .
A snack for my bitch
watch me tease you with my body . Then I shig out a delicious snack as I cream out my pussy and tell you what to do with it.
Slippery meal
Watch me poo out a nice hot wet meal exploding from my ass hole and then encourage you to do nothing but eat it !